Greetings, come and begin to understand 3D geometry like a star ship captain.
Mathematics slme

The easier road to mastery in Mathematics

Less hand waving is a good thing

The Celestial Geometry of the Sun, Moon and Stars created the seasons. That spawned agriculture and was our first mathematics, followed by earth bound Geometry, measuring the size of your land; they all grew up alongside Arithmetic, counting bushels of your grain. All three have spawned major advancements in the human condition. And still are.

Mathematics has always been considered "hard," a hurdle that most people avoid. After all, when you make that left hand turn, do you really need to measure and calculate? Many of us really don't focus on anything more "mathy" than Taxes. And that makes calculations even more of a bummer. We live in a world dominated by gravity, and that has shaped ourselves into 2 1/2 Dimension beings, that live in a world of masonary.

And the presentation of Math: the bewildering and often inconsistant symbols; the waving hands of the instructors. These are certain turn-offs for learners to actually do the homework. They are not getting the "learning" of the lesson. No wonder the creative side of Geometry is hidden behind Calculus, with it's divs, grads and curls. And the average person is pretty much OK with 30, 60, 90 and 45 degrees.

Space struts is an end run around the mental complexities of our most verifyable math: Geometry. With Space Struts, if the angles are right, it just fits. And the choice of the only two fixed size parts, the Golden Gnomon and Golden Triangle makes it all simple to build, simple to conceptualize, and simple to expand upon.

When a basic, physical knowledge of the the Golden 3D Geometry of Space Struts is combined with the presentation of the concepts of Geometric Algebra, a new, super easy to gain mathematical mastery is available to a wider audience.

And that wider audience will have the skills to provide new options and advancements in the human condition.

Never borrower or lender, Always teacher and student
-- The Celarien.

Since the uses of Space Struts in actual construction of human sized dwellings and structures, on earth or in space, will require many miles of red-tape to be digested. For that reason, a provisional patent has been applied for, and the use of that patent only allows crafts for education, not construction. Let the Patent Pend.

Since the uses of Space Struts in actual construction of human sized dwellings and structures, on earth or in space, will require many miles of red-tape to be digested. For that reason, a provisional patent has been applied for, and the use of that patent only allows crafts for education, not construction. Let the Patent Pend.