Greetings, come and begin to understand 3D geometry like a star ship captain.

As soon as KingD got a new life here on earth, he demanded a crown. He saturated my brain with continual images of this structure. He kept reassuring me that it would also form a pentagonal corridor that could extend for miles in outerspace.

The jury is still out on that one, but it might also work as a tractor wheel.

Since the uses of Space Struts in actual construction of human sized dwellings and structures, on earth or in space, will require many miles of red-tape to be digested. For that reason, a provisional patent has been applied for, and the use of that patent only allows crafts for education, not construction. Let the Patent Pend.

Since the uses of Space Struts in actual construction of human sized dwellings and structures, on earth or in space, will require many miles of red-tape to be digested. For that reason, a provisional patent has been applied for, and the use of that patent only allows crafts for education, not construction. Let the Patent Pend.