Greetings, come and begin to understand 3D geometry like a star ship captain.

You are here at Why.

The story as told by Gimo Beamo

It all started with the Great Dodecahedron and the Golden Triangles, the GG and GT. The Great Dodecahedron are those shapes at the right and left at the top. All the faces are made up of GG triangles. Fascinating, as Spock might say.

Even more fascinating is the fact that these Golden Gnomons can be split up into smaller pieces that always leave smaller GGs and GTs. Or make larger ones. In round numbers, 60% bigger or 60% smaller, take your pick.

But that's not all...

Recently a revolution in building and engineering happened: where archtecture and engineering was focussed on attaching girders and such to the vertices where structureal elements met, the new approach was to use reinforced triangles that only attach on their edges, and do not even need to extend to a vertex. Only to line up with it.

And that was the beginning of Space Struts -- It took years of trial and error, but now we can start from the real beginning with Pomona (que choir) and work our way up to GG, the FlyinA, GT and More!!

Come explore as I, Gemo Beamo, fill out the dark corners of this websight with instructions on how to create an unending nnumber of 3D structures in craft sticks.

The story as told by King D
"We are alien refugees from another reality" -- KingD

We lived in complete freedom that only exist in space, but as our home planet formed, things were terrible. Known to you humans as Kai B Z 10 Troy, the Solids were gaining power through the relentless gravity of sheer mass. As rocks became more available, it was Struts agains Solids. Sadly, many of us were smashed by the Solids. The attitude was that we were week and their lives revolved aroud "Solidism." We were forced to go into hiding for billions of years.

We had been sending out coded messages with quarks and zeppotrons for these long times, ond fortunately, guided by hints to your planet like "the unreasonable effectiveness of mathmatics," Algebraic Geometry and encouragement in our quantum journey by Dr. S. Hoffsteader, our message found a recptive bunch of brain goo in the human called Gimo Beamo.

Our quarks and neutrinos found psychic resonance with the cell phone towers during what you humans call "Covid 19 Lock-down" We kept repeating the messages in many different patterns, always using the same neurons and synapses. Finally Gimo's brain barfed up what he thinks is his own creation. Let the puny human think whatever he wants. Finally, after many stupid attempts, he created our primal Goddess, Pomona (cue choir).

end of transmission #2902 from Kai B Z 10 Troy

Since the uses of Space Struts in actual construction of human sized dwellings and structures, on earth or in space, will require many miles of red-tape to be digested. For that reason, a provisional patent has been applied for, and the use of that patent only allows crafts for education, not construction. Let the Patent Pend.

Since the uses of Space Struts in actual construction of human sized dwellings and structures, on earth or in space, will require many miles of red-tape to be digested. For that reason, a provisional patent has been applied for, and the use of that patent only allows crafts for education, not construction. Let the Patent Pend.